
It Don’t Stop Fitness
Change Your Life
As a fully Certified Personal Trainer through NASM, PES and NFS since 2016, I’ve been getting the residents of Louisiana fit, one body at a time. Whatever shape you’re in, we could all use a bit of professional guidance and encouragement from time to time. If you feel like losing a pound or two, or even bulking up an inch or so get in touch with me today and let’s get moving.
What I Can Do For You
As a certified trainer, I offer a wide range of fitness services and training styles. More than just getting you into shape, I also help with improving endurance, building strength, rehabilitating from injury, and sports-specific training. You can choose from a wide array of existing training options, or you can design your own.

Cardio Fitness
Feel Good, Look Good
Tired of sitting all day in the office? Do your body a favor and get your blood pumping. Health and fitness is as much about what your body looks like on the outside as it is about how it functions on the inside. Your heart is a muscle, too, and my workouts will get your heart-rate up. Your body will thank you for it!

Kid Training
Strength & Stamina
Kids are just great bundles of happiness! You can’t go wrong with amazing active, intelligent kids! Who doesn’t have kids or want kids!!! Children are everything. So why not sign up with us. It’ll be great seeing your child interact with their mom with our training. Here, it’s not just dumbbells and weights, or a crowded gym. Our training is fun along with HIIT, strength and conditioning outdoor training and more!
It’s easier than you think to change your life. Just pick up the phone and let’s get going on the road to a fitter future and DON’T STOP!
About It Don't Stop Fitness
Working Hard For Change
Getting in shape shouldn’t be a punishment. It’s an amazing and empowering lifestyle decision that anyone can achieve. I believe in finding the pleasurable side of fitness, and while there may be a sore muscle or two along the way, the amount of fun and levels of energy you will experience will far exceed the discomfort.

A Bit About Me
Making Fitness Fun
I am dedicated at this! This is my passion! I’ve been doing this for 4 years since 2016, and it’s my determination to get everyone healthy, and on the right track. March 2016 I said to myself I want to be healthy, and put on muscle. I walked to Walmart and bought my 1st set of 10 lb dumbbells.
I had no car for 3 1/2 years so I went to and from the gym, to my clients, to run errands on the bus or walked. After being in my apartment complex with those 10 lb dumbbells I started performing workouts day by day confused, form all messed up but I kept going. My job had a 5k Cancer Run and I did that, I knew I was out of shape. An old friend introduced me to Herbalife Nutrition, so I invested in that going to their boot camps, becoming an Independent Distributor and Health Coach in April 2016.
That same year in mid August I said to myself, I want to do this on my own I want to create my own program, have my own clients, and get people in Louisiana healthy. I started getting clients right then and there. It wasn’t many at all, but it was enough to learn and expand growth. I began going to school through NASM in 2017 to be a Certified Personal Trainer, became an Nutrition Enhancement Specialist and a Performance Enhancement Specialist.
I went to almost every gym in Baton Rouge learning new techniques, and performing workouts each day. After that, I started creating my own workouts, my own meal plans, learning each day, and not giving up. In March 2019 I launched my very own business
It Don’t Stop Fitness. I became even more determined to be better, and more things in the fitness industry and started expanding more online programs more workouts, and creating my very own ideas all by myself.
In February 2019 I bought my own very first car on Valentine’s Day and they shocked me with a red one, too. That also showed me that anything is possible, and to not give up on your dreams nor your goals. After walking, and catching the bus to work, and to your clients each day wasn’t easy, but I never gave up, and now I’m traveling, and helping people in each city become healthy, and also in other states. Anything is possible....IT DON’T STOP!
In loving memory to my 3 dearest, I love you!
Contact Me
You’re on your way to a more fit, healthy, and strong you. Get in touch and start training today.
Baton Rouge, LA